Greetings St. John’s,
I want to bring to your attention a few time sensitive opportunities.
- Soles4Souls: We will be collecting shoes (of any condition) until Palm Sunday, April 2. The shoes collected will be packaged and shipped on Good Friday for Soles4Souls. Thank you for your donations!
- Easter Flowers: Please submit your Easter flower requests by the end of the week. Please include the following information (feel free to email it to or drop a card in the offering plate). Checks can be made out to St. John’s Church with Easter flowers in the memo.
Given By:
In memory of:
In thanksgiving of:
- Neighborhood Prayer Walk: Our last Lenten prayer walk will take place this Tuesday, March 28th at 4:00 PM. We will meet in the courtyard and explore areas of our city where our unhoused neighbors gather.
Lenten Blessings,