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Eliminating Racism: register for Feb. 7 workshop

The Diocesan Eliminating Institutional Racism task force invites you to attend THRIVE: Eliminating Racism, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 7 at St. Edward’s Episcopal Church, 2453 Harrisburg Pike, Lancaster. Cost is $20 and includes lunch. Child care will be available.

After the recent shooting events in Ferguson and New York we must wonder what we can do. What needs to happen next? We know our response begins with the teaching of Jesus, in that we are called to love our neighbor, and we know that as Episcopalians we look through the lens of our Baptismal Covenant to determine the ways God is calling us to address issues of institutional racism, social justice and advocacy.

Dr. Felicia Brown-Haywood, Director of Student Affairs and Chairperson of the Diversity and Educational Equity Committee at Penn State Harrisburg, will be the keynote speaker.

Click here to learn about the workshop offerings (Anti-Oppression; The Episcopal Church’s Struggle for Justice; What is Racism) and to register for the event.

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