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Eagle’s Nest

Eagle’s Nest Update for the Fall of 2023

Greetings St. John’s and Friends,

I write this note to you as the Director of our Eagle’s Nest After School Program. Today, I write with both excitement and some sadness. Sadness because for the first time in 23 years, aside from the Covid-19 Pandemic’s interruption, we will not be hosting 4th and 5th grade Student’s from Fulton Elementary School this fall. Excitement for the fact that this is an excellent opportunity for our group of volunteers to discern and evaluate what comes next and how we can better meet the needs of students and teachers in our community in 2024.

During this time, we ask that you please keep those of us in the planning stages in your prayers. If you would like to join us in discerning what lies ahead, please reach out to me directly at Please know that although this particular era has come to an end, we are truly excited for the new opportunities that await and what the future holds for us!


John Knouse


About Eagle’s Nest

St. John’s volunteers mentor 4th and 5th graders from Robert Fulton School in the areas of respect and responsibility while providing enrichment and academic support. The program meets on Wednesday afternoons during the school year. Since 2002, this program has provided some stability to the students at the school, with nearly all participants completing the two-year program.


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