For over ten years, St. John’s has been a contributor to Soles4Souls. Soles4Souls turns unwanted shoes and clothes into opportunity by keeping them from going to waste and putting them to beneficial use. Whether it is disaster relief or supporting homeless kids, they distribute shoes and clothing in the U.S. and around the world. They fight poverty by helping people in developing countries launch and sustain their own small business selling donated shoes and clothing. Soles4Souls protects that planet by repurposing unwanted items and putting them to effective use. They keep them out of landfills and extend their lifespan.
At St. John’s. Barbara Landis and Brad Zuke lead this effort by collecting and storing donated shoes throughout the year. Around Holy Week, the youth group prepares the collected shoes for shipment to Soles4Souls. We also receive shoes that have been collected at other nearby churches & schools.
If you have shoes you would like to donate, bring them to the Atrium on Sunday or to the church during the week and place them in the Shoe Box.
Betty Finney AIDS Memorial Garden
The garden, located in the Mayor Janice P. Stork Corridor Park (formerly “Linear Park”) on West Lemon Street in Lancaster, honors more than 450 Lancaster residents lost to HIV/AIDS, their courageous caregivers, and faithful advocates. Volunteers do general garden maintenance.

Angel Tree
This ECW sponsored Advent project provides Christmas gifts for needy children in the community. Volunteers prepare the 100 tags for parish acquisition, organize the incoming packages, and assist with the holiday distribution.
School Supply Drive
Every summer, St. John’s parish collects school supplies for Fulton Elementary School, our neighbor across the street! Pencils, notebooks, glue sticks, scissors, tissues, rulers, and more are offered to the teachers and staff during our Fulton Luncheon in August. Donations can be dropped off anytime throughout the summer!
Martha's Ministry
Members as well as friends of St. John’s gather to knit and crochet. Making and providing prayer shawls and pocket-size prayer shawls is a specialty of this group. They also sponsor a “St. Nick’s Knits” sale at the end of November with a variety of items. Monies received support other Jubilee Ministries. Our needle workers can be found gathered in the Parish Hall on Tuesday afternoons from 2 to 4 p.m. and between services on Sunday mornings. We welcome beginners, rusty and seasoned stitchers. Donations of yarn are welcomed.

Prison Ministries
“I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”– Matthew 25:36
St. John’s is committed to serving those on the margins. St. John’s is active in
providing: one on one minister visits to those experiencing incarceration, participating in monthly in prison worship services and inviting returning citizens, including youth, to fulfill their community service hours by partnering with us in serving the Lancaster community. If you have any questions, suggestions or would like to make a donation, please contact Deacon Stacey:
Beth Shalom Ministries
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”– Ephesians 4:32
St. John’s believes that faith can offer much needed hope and healing for all people
wherever they may be. It is because of this belief that we have the joy of partnering in ministry with Beth Shalom, House of Peace, downtown Lancaster. Beth Shalom, a service of Tenfold, invite mothers leaving prison a second chance by providing a compassionate and comprehensive Christian interim housing program where they can reunite with their children and be empowered with the skills and opportunities necessary for long-term self-sufficiency.
Faith, Food & Fellowship
Faith, Food & Fellowship or F-3, is a fellowship of mothers and grandmothers, sponsored by St. John’s who, once a month, nurture and encourage young mothers and their children by providing Bible study, prayer, home cooked meals, art projects and compassionate active listening. We humbly walk with Jesus, doing our best to love all of God’s children where they are and how they are. If you have questions, suggestions or would like to make a donation for this life-giving ministry please contact: Sea Macleish,
Faith & Finance
Faith and Finance or F-2, is a monthly financial literacy class sponsored by St. John’s.
Classes are taught on budgeting, tithing, creating healthy credit, savings and how to
manage a bank account. Notebooks, calculators and childcare are provided by
donations and volunteers. If you have questions, suggestions or would like to make a
donation for this empowering ministry please contact: Deacon Stacey,
Christmas Party & Angel Tree for Beth Shalom
With the help of generous donors, Faith, Food & Fellowship is able to provide a yearly Christmas party for the families of Beth Shalom. St. John’s Angel Tree gifts both toys and necessary household items such as crib sheets or dishes. Merrily dressed F-3 Santa helpers hand out gifts, decorate a donated Christmas tree and sing carols! If you have suggestions, questions or would like to make a donation please contact the church office at