An email message, supposedly from “The Rev. Amanda R. Knouse,” have been sent from a gmail address (NOT Amanda’s St. John’s email address). It asks for a vague favor (“I would love if you could help me with something.”)
This did NOT come from Pastor Amanda; they were sent by someone posing as her.
If you receive one of these messages, just delete it. (It may already have gone into a Spam or Junk folder, and if so, just leave it there or delete it.) If you have already responded to this message, don’t respond to any replies.
— St. John’s Communications Committee
You may remember that similar scam messages were sent in Fr. Glenn’s name during the past year. (People who responded were asked to purchase gift cards, supposedly for someone in need.) These scammers are clearly aware of our change in leadership — as shown on our website — and haven’t wasted any time before trying to cash in.