Greetings St. John’s,
Merry Christmas Eve Eve! The church is decorated beautifully for our Christmas celebrations, the bulletins printed, the poinsettias placed, and the musicians ready!
Please join us at 3:30 P.M. for our Family Service (which includes the Christmas Pageant, music by the Handbell Choir, and special guest musicians) or join us at 9:30 P.M. for our candlelight service with the Lancaster Brass Quintet and Chancel Choir! Come early if you’d like to catch the pre-service music at 9:10 P.M.
If you’re not able to worship with us in person, join us online from wherever you are celebrating: St. John’s YouTube. Bulletins can be found here: Christmas Eve 330PM & Christmas Eve 930PM.
On Christmas Morning, grab your coffee and join us on zoom for special morning prayers: Christmas Morning Worship at 10:00 A.M.
Meeting ID: 857 7781 7152
Passcode: 426297
May the light and joy of this season be yours,