We would like to invite everyone to our annual Parish Picnic. Please sign up here if your think you will come so we can get a better count for food. St. Johns will provide Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, and paper goods. Please indicate what you plan to bring to share so we can have a nice variety! Please also bring any serving utensils needed for your dish. There are picnic tables but we suggest to bring chairs and/or blankets to relax at watch the show.
We will meet at Buchmiller Park, Pavilion #33 after the 9am service, about 11am. If you have trouble finding us you can call or text Karen at 717-368-0319.
Date: 06/25/2023 (Sun.)
Time: 11:00am – 2:00pm EDT
Location: Buchmiller Park
49 N Ledwith Dr Pavillion #33, Lancaster, PA 17602