Greetings St. John’s,
Prayer has always been foundational to our common life. Every week, we gather to lift up our voices; to express our adoration, thanks, and petitions on behalf of ourselves and others. In many ways, prayer unites us as God’s beloved in the world today. With Election Day coming, I invite us to hold vigil for our nation.
Covid-19 prevents us from gathering in large groups, however we still have the opportunity to pray! Please join us by signing up for one or more time slots here at the church by clicking the link here: Prayer Vigil. The polls open at 7am and so will our sanctuary for your prayers. Come sit in the quiet and offer up your prayers for our elected officials, for those they are charged with leading, and for our nation as a whole.
At the close of the day and the poles, Matt+ and I will lead Evening Prayer as we remember our call to love one another and to participate in building up God’s kingdom in this time and this place. The service will be streamed for all who would like to participate.
I remain faithfully yours,