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Welcome The Rev. Amanda Knouse, St. John’s 19th Rector

On July 1, The Rev, Amanda Knouse became St. John’s 19th rector. She will preach and celebrate Eucharist with us for the first time on Sunday, July 7. Be a part of this wonderful day as we welcome the entire Knouse Family. A reception in the Parish Hall will be held between the 8 and 10:15 services. During this time Pastor Amanda will offer remarks and answer questions.

In case you missed it, read Pastor Amanda’s introductory message from April’s Messenger:

Dear St. John’s,

Greetings from Virginia! Over the past several months, I have had the joy and privilege of getting to know your community through your parish profile, my interactions with the search committee and vestry, and through the staff of St. John’s.

Immediately, I was inspired by your desire to love your neighbor, your passion for justice, and your compassion for each other. The Holy Spirit is certainly moving in Lancaster and I am thrilled to be a part of that movement as your next rector! I am both humbled and grateful for the support of the search committee and vestry. Their willingness to be vulnerable, ask difficult questions, and put their heart and soul into this work of discernment has been a true gift to me.

I am a product of the Diocese of Central Pennsylvania. Growing up in Huntingdon County, I spent my teenage years attending every diocesan conference and retreat offered and worshiping at St. John’s in Huntingdon. During college, I served on the Diocesan Youth Commission and the Higher Education Committee while working as the youth minister at St. Luke’s, Altoona. I graduated from Juniata College in 2004. In many ways, I feel like I’m returning home and am thrilled at the opportunity to serve in the diocese that formed me.

I completed my studies at Virginia Theological Seminary in 2008. Over the past decade I have served as the associate rector of St. James’ Parish in the Diocese of Maryland, the Camp Director of the Bishop Claggett Camp and Conference Center, and in 2012 I was called as rector of Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Delaplane, Virginia.

My husband, John, and our two children Ruth (6) and Caleb (4) are as excited about this call as I am! As we begin transitioning from life here in Virginia to life in Lancaster, there are many things I am eagerly anticipating. I am excited to hear your stories and learn about your passions and dreams for St. John’s community. I am looking forward to visiting the local neighborhoods, schools, and nonprofits to build connections and discover where Christ’s hands and feet are currently serving and where they might be needed. And I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you I was looking forward to hitting up Central Market for some baked goods as well…

Although June may seem like a long ways off, it will be here before we know it! In the meantime, please know I am praying for each of you by name (thank you Tom for the directory!) and I look forward to putting faces to those names and prayers in just a few short months.

In Christ,


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