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A Devotional Guide for St. John’s Capital Campaign

A message from Fr. John Morris:WG-965 Pro Bono Church Mark-Final-RGB-tiny

Dear St. John’s family,

Prayer is at the heart of our life in Christ and prayer is the cornerstone of our capital campaign. In prayer we gather together in church every Sunday. In prayer we gather together as families around the dinner table. In prayer we gather and grow in gratitude and love for God.

We’ve prepared a devotional guide as a prayer tool. (Printed copies were handed out in our Gratitude Sunday worship services on October 18, and additional copies will be available in the back of the church. We’re also sending daily devotions via email to blog subscribers.) This guide comes to you as a gift of the capital campaign with hope of encouraging you in your life of prayer. It is a spiritual mustard seed. Following it only calls for a few minutes of your daily life. Yet what grows from prayer is deeply nourishing and promises to lead us to the greater life we call the Kingdom of God.

It is towards God’s Kingdom that our vision of mission is directed. The bricks and mortar changes we envision as an outcome of the capital campaign are but symbolic of the deeper spiritual change we seek. Our vision of mission continues to be to “Grow in God, Act in Service, Witness in Love.” We nurture our mission by deepening it in prayer.

Prayer is the one ministry we all share. Not all of us can be teachers. Not all of us are called to be worship leaders. Not all of us need to serve on the capital campaign committee. However, all of us have a part to play as we pray, “Lord, what do you want to do through me?”

I ask you to take time to pray each day. It could be as little as a handful of seconds or as much as a few minutes. I offer you this devotional guide as a place to start.

We first build the Kingdom of God, not with bricks and mortar, but with hearts and minds. May our minds grow in Christ and our hearts grow in gratitude through prayer.

Faithfully yours,


From the capital campaign leaders: The next post will be the first devotion from The Journey Begins: Devotional Guide, and these posts will continue for a total of 21 days. Please join us in this journey.


  1. Reply
    Sue Tobie says:

    I started the Daily Devotional Guide given out and found it a wonderful inspiration-prayer, the answer to fear and anxiety over the future. Thank you Fr. John.

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