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Aaron Spicher funeral Wed., June 15, noon

Dear St. John’s family,

Aaron Spicher, our beloved St. John’s Verger, departed this life on Saturday afternoon in the company of Sue Heilman and Bill Gross, and with last rites.  Aaron was blessed with a remarkable quality of life in these last months and weeks, thanks to good medical attention and to an amazing level of support from the parish, the Music for Everyone community, and especially from Sue, who took him into her home and cared for him to the end.

We will celebrate Aaron’s life and ministry with a Rite I Burial and Eucharist on Wednesday, June 15. Visitation with Aaron’s family will be in the Chapel beginning at 10:00 a.m., with the service following at 12:00 p.m.  At its conclusion, all are invited to the Parish Hall for pot luck reception.  Your offerings of finger foods and light treats are much appreciated.  Gifts in Aaron’s memory may be made to St. John’s Church.

Aaron’s life touched so many lives at St. John’s and beyond.  His loss will be felt by many.  We take comfort that he is now at peace with the saints in light.

Life eternal grant to him, O Lord.  And may light perpetual shine upon Aaron.



  1. Reply
    Fredericka L. Smith says:

    It was easy to miss all that Aaron did at St. John’s. When we took out the sacrament, he saw to it that a sheet containing the collect and gospel for the Sunday were inserted in each service pamphlet. We discovered them missing and appreciated how important is this seemingly small thing. There were many other “small things” he took care of. Let us give thanks for them all! We must know he is among the “faithful departed”.

  2. Reply
    Molly Moyer says:

    I would be there with all of you but I will be on my way to the airport to fly home to visit my family in AK.. Aaron’s presence will remain with us always as we struggle to move on without his guidance. May he rest in peace.

  3. Reply
    Sue Purdy says:

    Aaron was ever-present at church. I loved the way his 6-foot self could be at the altar one minute and floating up the side aisle the next. I once asked him if he had a teleporter. I was rewarded with his deep chuckle. Most poignantly, the past few weeks, the Sanctus bells have been silent at the 8:00 a.m. Service. This past Sunday it seemed so very silent. Aaron is loved and missed. May he enjoy his work in heaven. May his family and loved ones find comfort at this difficult time.

  4. Reply
    Katherine Swisher, formerly Whitesel says:

    RIP Aaron.
    Thank you for your friendship through the years. I will never forget you, nor your heart.
    I wish I could attend, but I am just out of hospital yesterday and still not strong enough to be out.

  5. Reply
    Jeannie Zeller says:

    I’m still out in Minnesota and so sorry to miss Aaron’s service.

  6. Reply
    Stephen C Casey says:

    Fr. John+
    I much admired and liked Aaron over the many years I worked with him on various and sundry projects. His service to the church over his life time is a testament to his faith and a model for us all. I grieve his leaving and will miss his dry humour. Alas, because I have a service at St. Edward’s, I am unable to join you today, but will offer prayers and thanksgivings for Aaron and for the ministry of St. John’s.


  7. Reply
    Susan says:

    Aaron did a very kind thing for me a very long time ago. I will never forget him.

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