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Devotions: Day Five (for our capital campaign)

St-Johns-CC-logo-RGB-tinyThen Joshua said to the people, “Sanctify yourselves; for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.”

Joshua 3:5

Finally, they were nearly there. After forty years of wandering in the wilderness, after being so close and then being told they weren’t ready, after so many false starts, and so many disappointments, they were on the verge of their heart’s desire — the Promised Land. And yet, even as they stood on the banks of the Jordan, gazing into the Promised Land, their hearts were undoubtedly filled with a mixture of joy, fear, excitement and anxiety. After all, the leader who had led them out of Egypt and through the wilderness; the leader who brought them God’s word, the leader who time after time interceded with God on their behalf, their leader, Moses, was now dead. How could they do it? How would they manage? “Sanctify yourselves; for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.”

Perhaps some of the initial excitement of being a part of the campaign has evaporated. Perhaps, like the people of Israel, we wonder, “How can we do it? How will we manage?” Or perhaps the question is more personal, “How can I do my task? How can I give a generous and sacrificial gift?” God’s response is the same. “Sanctify yourselves; for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders.” To sanctify simply means to set apart for a holy purpose. We are called to set our lives, our church, this campaign and ourselves apart for God’s use and God’s purpose. Can we begin to set apart: our lives, our homes, our families, and our income, to be used by God and for God? If we can, then truly, “tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.”

Questions to consider

Am I beginning to experience any doubts or questions about our church, our campaign or my involvement?

Are there parts of my life that I am holding back from giving to God?

How can I intentionally set my life apart to be used by God?


Oh Lord, give me the courage and the faith to give my life and all I have, to be used by You. Show me ways, Oh Lord, that I can set myself and my life apart for You, Amen.

–From The Journey Begins: Devotional Guide, Scott McKenzie, PhD.

This devotion comes from a series of 21 daily devotions from the devotional guide for our capital campaign. (An earlier message, sent on October 20, 2015, included a message from Fr. John about using the guide as a prayer tool.)

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