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Dear St. John’s family,

Ruth McDivitt, St. John’s most senior member at 100 years of age, departed this life on Sunday, September 17th following a brief illness.  In her last days, Ruth enjoyed much care and attention from her sons, Michael and Skip, and daughter, Patti.

Ruth, a life long, always active and ever devoted member of St. John’s, will be remembered in a celebration of her life and ministry on Saturday, September 30th at a 11:30 AM service of Christian Burial and Holy Eucharist.  Visitation with Ruth’s family will be at 10:30 AM in the Chapel of St. John’s.  A reception in the Parish Hall will follow the service.  Memorial gifts may be made to St. John’s or the American Cancer Society.  All attending are invited to “wear pink”, Ruth’s favorite color, in her honor.

Please remember Patti and all the members of Ruth’s family in your prayers as we mark the passage of Ruth McDivitt into the greater presence of God.


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