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Pastoral Note

Dear St. John’s, I am writing to inform you that former choir member and friend, Don Lovett, died peacefully on Sunday, October 9. A Celebration

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Lay Eucharistic Visitor Training

Lay Eucharistic Visitor Training – October 22, 2022 – 9:00 AM-12:00 PM St. Thomas Episcopal Church Led by The Ven. Jane Miron, Archdeacon for Deacons and Deacon

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Worship on Sunday, October 9th

Greetings St. John’s, Please join us for the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost this Sunday at 8:00AM and 10:15AM. After each service, join us for Lemonade

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Pastoral Note

Greetings St. John’s, I want to apologize for the mix-up of dates regarding the pastoral note sent yesterday about Cynthia. Cynthia died on September 19,

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Pastoral Note

Dear St. John’s, I’m writing this afternoon to share the death of one of our beloved long-time members, Cynthia Minnich. Cynthia transitioned from this life

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